Sunday, April 22, 2007

Super Sunny Sunday

You wouldn't believe it, but Bishan North's so colourful and lively, the wild birds can't help to join in.

I can't believe it. But I was woken by the tweeting birds. In the morning. In the middle of a HDB estate. It's lovely cause it's the kinda thing that happens in fairy tales and fantasy novels. Gee, waking to birds. How often does that really happen?

Feeling restless. It's ironic. Reducing caffeine intake is making me way more energised. So a morning run is in the cards, despite having bicycled already!

Random factoid: Ski D'lite Honey Buzz yoghurt is absolutely fantastic. The tangy sour of the honey added with the cloying sweetness of real honey. Tasty! If you like yoghurt and you like honey, what are you waiting for? It's usually found in Cold Storage, Giant and Jason's - somehow it seems that this flavour is a Dairy Farm Group exclusive.

Played Pokemon FireRed for a while first. Or make that a long while. Because the dungeon's extremely long and irritating.

And off to the run I go! Strangely, I'm bustling full of energy. Had this long distance runner guy ahead so I made use of him to pace. His long distance pace is my 2km pace, so it wasn't too bad. Hey at least it was a good workout.

Playful monkeys seen near the reservoir!

But then, he was going quite fast, so, well. I fizzled out on the 2nd leg back.

Home for a while, then out again!

Oh and having had run and bicycled within 24h, my metabolism's on overdrive! Feeling a warm buzzy feeling, hyperactive, and gobbling up huge amounts of food without even feeling full.

Exercise's good. It lets you eat more!


Unknown said...

monkey so cyute!

KC said...

hump ahead! :D

Unknown said...

no parking!