Friday, September 22, 2006

Bad day

No picture, cause I'm feeling too crappy to add one.

Some bad days start off alright, then it gets worse and worse as the day progresses. Others, well, they're crap right from the start.

My bad day started when I woke up in the middle in the night all itchy for no reason at all. Scratched and scratched, and managed to get back to sleep, although it was a fitful sleep.

6am came, and I gotta get ready for another day of school. And then I remembered that I had to download this file for today's tutorial thingie, that my schoolmate had the decency to send me at12.46am well after my bedtime. So I rushed through breakfast (had to spend some time microwaving my egg) and rushed to download it into a USB drive. That schoolmate didn't have one.

Rushed out of home feeling crappy already. When I feel like crap I feel uncomfortable looking people in the eye cause they'll see how messed up I am. And then I met that really polite kid neighbour at the lift landing. Felt guilty mumbling a reply to his good morning. I looked down at my grimy black shoes. Oh please don't look at me when I feel down because I really don't want to put on that fake smile to pretend that everything's alright and cheerful.

I got up the bus and squeezed myself into a seat towards the back. Man, the early bus is crowded. Or is it because it's a Friday? Buses on Mondays and Fridays are especially crowded, I wonder why. Perhaps the truanting kids feel that the week would be complete if they turn up only at the start and the end?

Another neighbour boarded the same bus as me. I'm so glad she didn't notice me. No need for any fake smile, I can just be myself and stare at my shoes in the corner of the bus.

Speaking of neighbours I think my next door neighbour looks depressed. I hope she's alright.

The bus ambled towards its destination. The lights kept on turning red right in front of the bus. What a bad day. It sucks when you know that you're about to be late. And the whole damned tutorial is dependent on the computer slides in that USB drive in your pocket.

Reached the tutorial room. Silently loaded up the slides onto the computer while everyone else was busy with their own stuff. Well the tutorial went alright.

The rest of the morning got more and more depressing and dreary. School sucks. Had to bail out halfway in school cause I was just feeling too crappy. Crappy as in anhedonic and emotionally numb, felt like a zombie.

I hate this life.

Reached home and just plonked myself in front of the newspapers and the computer. And thus that's how I spent my whole afternoon.

And then I felt giddy (non-vertiginous giddyness) and developed a dry cough. And my frontal sinuses are tender. Oh great. A upper respiratory tract infection to top it all off.

What a bad day.


Anonymous said...

hi gono,
how old are you?
: )

KC said...

Me? Somewhere in between 20 and 30. :D

Anonymous said...

yeah, you'd have to be.
i think you're quite fine.
howdy pardner