Monday, June 25, 2007

I blame the world

I knew, even as a kid, that I'd grow up a cynical old fart; just like my parents and grandparents, like the disgruntled worker rushing up the bus to face another boring day in his low-paying job, like much about anyone on the street who's no longer a kid.

I just didn't guess that it'd be so soon. But now I no longer feel excitement or joy or whatever.

As a kid, I was young and curious, and walking through the wet market with mommy can me so rich and memorable I'll probably remember it to my last breath. Now, I'm so old and jaded, everything's all dull and plain to me. I can probably forget days at a go because they're SO boring.

I'd just see the sad and the bad in every waking moment of my life.


It's the end of the freaking measly 3 week holiday break and school is back in full force. A particularly intensive 8-week posting to boot.

And it feels horribly meaningless and dreadful when it seems that the faculty in us doing lotsa paperwork and documentation (they say, hey, it helps you keep track of learning but well, none of us students believe that), rather than learning and excelling academically.

Maybe I'm just a boring old fart, but that's how I saw things, and it's not going to be right for you to deny me of my freedom of seeing things my own way.


Some administrator there insisted we wear ties, and maintain unreasonable punctuality, and et cetra, to the extent of affecting learning itself. Guess what, I've half a mind to tell him off, making him realise his stupidity, leaving him speechless, then getting away with it. Cause I'm right and he's wrong.


I'm a boring old fart because I can bitch about all sorts of things on my blog that doesn't even interest the audience.


On a brighter note, it seems like I'm slowly getting on with learning how to appear cheerful and jovial no matter my mood. I can crack a joke and look like I mean it. And that comes in useful, because who would want to befriend or work with me should they know my true colours. Yeah. damn you, shallow people. Damn you, reality.


School today was harrowing, but at least I got out early. There's so much homework/paperwork/criteria/etc to settle, so little energy in pathetic me.

And no matter how hard I convince myself to look at things objectively, it seems, that, I'm being shrugged off by someone.


Oh, expect my blog to be boring as hell over the next 8 weeks, because:
blog = about my life
my life = school and nothing else
school = boring

Therefore: blog = boring


Yucai said...

Hi... We all hate the end of hols =( Dark times it may be, but the whole batch is in it together, and don't hesitate to look up your friends should u need anything. Don't forget your appointment next week!

PS: What posting are u doing now?

KC said...

haha thanks!

i have persecutory delusions that make me convinced that i'm always given the crappiest postings, but hey, they may be true (pasir ris polyclinic and cck gp clinic when i live in bishan, being assraped by the ever so popular surgeon in ttsh, etc)

the photo's a vague hint of which posting i'm doing (though having a pussy cat between the legs will be more apt)

actually im thinking more along of the lines of, intentionally forgetting the appointment. i blame the anterograde amnesia from the pills!

Pkchukiss said...

I try to eat the world up because I believe that it is my oyster :-)