Saturday, June 23, 2007

A dollop of randomness

Achey. Stupid run to Yishun proved to me how unfit I am, and I have abrasions on my feet and achey calves to prove it.

My my my my TV makes me so bored
Makes me say oh my Lord
What is this garbage here?
Wanna cover my eyes and plug my ears
It sucks, and that's no lie
It's about as much fun as watching paint dry
Lowers my IQ one notch
And that's the reason why, uh, I can't watch
- Weird Al Yankovich - I Can't Watch This

Last night was a weird medley of dreams, and I am so glad that it was only a dream that I found my brother's tag on the cbox on my blog. I slept for 10 hours, yay.

STOP! Primetime!

In a freaking good turn of events:
...students are required to sit for a Medical Ethics Vignette Test on (date/time) in place of the Ethics Case Study (ECS).
A one-off test is wayyyyyy better than the long drawn torture of doing that thorny case study thing. Yay for Dean's Office not being total prats. Still can't forgive them for the way they tell us of posting details only on the friday afternoons before the week of the new posting.

I've lotsa library books that are due, and I barely read them. The comics, I did, but novels, bah. I no longer have the concentration or drive to read them cover to cover, at the ripe old age of 22.

Agenda for the rest of my pathetic 3 week break:
Visit frog farm with family on Sunday
Get HK photos totally sorted out, cropped to 3:2 to print
Return library books, maybe trying to finish 1 more
Bring crappy MP3 player to repair place
Textbooks for new posting

The conclusion of a 3 week break, and it didn't even feel like it ever started. But it's all right now, in fact, it's a gas!

My foot hurts. So I'm preserving my mobility for just going to the library today and frog farm tomorrow. Not seeing a person this weekend, which cumulates to not meeting up since 2 weekends ago, and not until next weekend. Which may well be a good thing.


Anonymous said...

Hey I kinda know what you're going through and I'd like to help you. Do you mind emailing me at'll give you my number then. I've got some stuff to ask you regarding the state you're in.

Unknown said...

if u like u can nookie i guess. Not dat i'd really care

KC said...

i've no idea what these comments mean, so if you both care to elaborate....