Saturday, June 02, 2007

Bad bad tummy!

Woke up after a strange nightmare of having trees falling murderously all over the road. And being in a bus, afraid that yet another tree would fall onto my bus and kill me. And calling someone on the phone, just to feel safe.

Took a peek at the newspaper. And ouch. Apparently my classmate's brother passed away from a freak medical condition. And he's so young. I've never met my classmate's brother, and I don't really know the classmate that well, but gee, it's death. It's freaky all the the same.

Death. It happen to anyone. It's freaking me out majorly.


Rushed to school on a caffeine high, getting all ready to do the MCQ test - the last test before the 3 week break - and the last posting before I would be able to call myself a year 4 student.

Almost got a heart attack when classmate KW said hi to me while I was too eager getting my lardy ass to the test venue. Chatted loads, sharing experiences about our respective postings and clinical exams. The ward where he's posted has a TON of gossip stories, enough for a 100-part serial or something.

Test went quite alright. I most certainly passed, and I did OK.

Home. Feeling woozy. Having a bad tummy. And well, that explains the postural hypotension (seeing stars whenever i stand up suddenly) that I had been having lately.

The blood pressure meter agrees. I've never seen my blood pressure this low (normally it's highish I guess), and my pulse is on the highish side. Either I'm losing blood (unlikeky) or dehydrated (I'm making a mental note to drink more) or that I'm having a systemic inflammation of some kind.


Dragged myself out to City Hall despite!

That computer fair in Suntec was sort of a mess (gee it's Friday and it's already packed to the brim) and the offers and displays were rather lacklustre. There are 4 major fairs of the year, and they alternate between major and minor ones, and this one's probably one of the minor ones where the tenants don't bother showing off their latest tech but rather just use them to clear off old stocks at a discount.

Plusle and Minun! Carrefour has an unusually wide repertoire of Pokemon toys. And they've got the new V4 Tamagotchi Connection, with infrared communication and a password/token method of playing minigames online. (The device encodes the details into a token, you key in the token in the website, you play the game, you get another token, then you key that token back into the device)

And bumped into classmate KW in Suntec, for the 2nd time today! Freaky. He says Shrek 3 is good. I don't really want to watch it, considering the poor reviews it got. And I'm quite inclined to trust since it's a meta-analysis of various expert and amateur reviews. So I'm trying my best not to let Dreamworks fleece me of my money!


Speaking of which, I was lamenting to my classmate earlier today about how the kids aren't going to have many good movies to enjoy this June holidays. Meet The Robinsons and Spiderman 3 were released too early, Shrek 3's a mild disappointment and Fantastic Four, well it caters to a less kiddy audience.

And worst of all. Transformers is opening on the week school reopens.


Dinner, nightfall, just hanging around. Being happy. Until I had to go home and the bad tummy started brewing again.


Reached home with a horrible tummyache and feeling totally woozy and drifting in and out of sleep in the bus. Reached home. Laid in bed feeling sick and horrible, then slept.

Fitful sleep. It's a medley of bad dreams. Alot of it based on school. Is school bugging me that badly subconsciously?

1. Being late for a disgusting lecture on intestinal tumours (with a long diatribe on surface area of intestinal polyps)
2. Crazy patient in the clinic who put pieces of faeces on the doctor's table, and strangely they're brown and cube-like
3. Living in an overseas hostel (rustic and looks exactly like a log cabin in autumn) where conflicts happen all the time (one of them centred particularly about getting a door lock for the hostel complex installed), where I'm hated and unloved by all except 1.
4. Catching birds with bare hands (one of them pecked my classmate's eye)
5. Parents being nasty to me (can't really remember that one)

Dreams and reality sorta blurred when I woke up hearing my dad's voice and the first thing that happened was a sense of bad paranoia and dread which didn't make any sense at all except in the context of the dream.

My brain's all shot to shit. Does anyone actually have dreams so freaky and vivid?


Emotionally I feel more or less OK. But physically, I feel so damned groggy, sitting up is a chore.

And a friend passed away this morning. I don't think I'm the best of messengers here, so I feel that I shouldn't be the one telling you the details.

Confession: I'm really affected by the fact that so many people I know or hear about or talk to are dropping dead. Just like that. Life's so damn fragile, there's no way of knowing who's next.

I guess, I'd live on for the sake of the people who didn't manage to.

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