Thursday, April 19, 2007


Now that much of the crappy week is over. I'd do some selective amnesia and choose not to blog about it.

Some of it crappy, some if it, I don't know if I should blog about (nothing totally new, and well, I don't know how openly I should blog here), as for some of it the recollections are getting hazy in the first place.

So, to infinity and beyond, just keep swimming and keep moving forward!

I'll put up something decent from tomorrow onwards I promise!


In summary, much of my life these days involves playing with my DS. Animal Crossing, Pokemon Ranger, Elite Beat Agents/Ouendan.

And it's sweet when the guy I saw during my medical posting appeared on the newspapers after he had done well after a heart transplant. The first time I saw him, I was quite depressed, knowing that someone younger than me was going to have his heart fail on him. But now, at least things are looking bright for him, no? A stark contrast from the other time I saw a familiar name in the obits, then remembered talking to that very same patient the previous week in hospital and assuming that he'd live.


Julian said...

Woo Hoo! Buzz lightyear reporting for duty Sir!...To infinity and beyond!

Unknown said...

de job satisfaction of saving someone's life! =)

(realizes how annoying the funny key in the numbers and letters thing to authenticate comment is)

Pkchukiss said...

Can you wave your magic wand and make my tummy trim thinner?

KC said...

if i could i'd have a flat tummy myself!

yeah that captcha thing irritating!

pkchukiss has something to say abt them! :