Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Thorny Tuesday and Wet Wednesday

Back to the fire station. Day ambulance run. One of the ambulances had a clutch problem, so had to follow the other one after some difficulty!

Tan Tock Seng

Signboard in Bishan MRT station.


Wednesday's clinical attachments again. Same shit, different day. Not really shit. I mean, I do get to learn and all.

But it just feels like hell when everyone else seems to be able to remember their facts so well, and while I'm convinced that I'm a superior thinker, medical school isn't ever about how well one understands things, but how well one can remember random facts.

The toxic dose of lignocaine in the systemic circulation is 3mg/kg body weight.

A backslab is made with 7 layers of plaster.

NSAIDs aren't effective in the early stage of acute pain.

Pain during deep inspiration suggests pneumothorax.

The risk of death from major full-thickness burns in percent = (body surface area burnt) + age.

This kinda random facts. Sigh.

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