Sunday, March 18, 2007


Woke up at 6am.

Fell asleep on the bed again in 5 minutes.

Woke up at 6.20am.

Went downstairs to have breakfast.

Found myself staring into space for 10 minutes, too groggy and tired to even think. In fact, I never was able to recall what was it that I ate then.

There's no way anyone can get to school safely that way. For an 8-5 clinical attachment.

Gave up, went back up, slept till 10.30am.

Reason? Engine can't start. I hate myself for being weak.


Rested until afternoon to meet Ryan and Kelvin and bunch of friends at Raffles City.

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MRT advertisement. O RLY? They forgot to mention one thing. Dr William Tan never earned his medical degree in NUS. Or his postgrad degrees for that matter. I can imagine why - NUS medicine has never taken in anyone with less than perfect health in recent history. I don't exactly blame them for wanting to make things efficient and simple for themselves.

But hey, the disabled do have to get an education somewhere too. And that not-in-my-backyard attitude that NUS hypothetically taken wouldn't be very polite, no? Someone has to do the job of educating the disabled. Fact of life.

I would imagine Dr William Tan being MUCH more proud of NUS if it let him study medicine there.


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Lovely time. Fun. But like any other Saturday - or any day for that matter - the day has to end.

I don't like it when days end.

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