Friday, February 23, 2007

And it seems

that my blog has attracted some unwanted readership. People who I totally don't want to open up to emotionally, for they will tear my paragraphs down like wrapping paper, trying to score some factlets on my life, then manipulate me using them.

Daily events, what I do, where I go to, who I meet, these are thorny issues too. Shall I say, I do get judged for all sorts of shit and I would be foolish to write about them, now that things have taken very complicated turns.

Ironically, I keep my thoughts away from the people I know best. I've got this policy: I don't give a damn what someone thinks of me, but I do care about what they DO to me because of what they think of me. And the people I know well, are the people most likely to hurt me that way.

And now, I'm sort of stuck with my blog not knowing what to do with it, only being able to safely write neutral stuff. Reviews. Music. Movies. Stuff like that. I don't have to talk about myself at all.

I dunno what direction this blog is taking. Yet. I'll figure it out along the way. But I sure do not want to lose my current audience, because it's the audience that keeps me writing.

It's sort of a writer's pride kinda thing, feeling good about the fact that people actually bother to read what I write, and that people do come back. Writing is communication, and what purpose does communication have if there's no one on the other end?

I'll be back. Naturally.


Eileen. 静 said...

taking a break ?

be back sooon...

Anonymous said...

dude... I read your blog alot. and at the end of the day, its ur blog. letting idiots get to you defeats the purpose of blogging =D

just felt like I had to say that~

KC said...

not taking a break, just avoiding entries about myself, what i do, where i go, what i feel and stuff. for now. until i decide what to do. =s

might defeat the purpose of blogging, but hey, that's wayyy better than getting my life or anyone's life affected by this stupid blog eek

Pkchukiss said...

I am getting illusions of Katar-wielding Ninjas hiding in the digital forest staring at you with their nakedly wicked eyes... Just waiting to pounce on you at the right moment.

Helps to shine a torch-light into their night vision devices :-)

KC said...

well, that's how it is =s

yay new template!