Sunday, January 07, 2007

Yet another day of fun

Ice cream tasting session courtesy of Ice Cream Chefs. Jeremy's personal invitation! They sell homemade icecream with all sorts of cool flavours (Horlicks, Peanut butter, Blueberry, you mean you can resist?)

The 4 of us (Kate, nikonll (without the 1), Ryan and I) reallyreally enjoyed it. The ambience is great, it's a LAN shop/pub of Jeremy's friend and it has all sorts of cool lighting that changes colour. However, it sorta made food porning difficult as my phone's camera got totally confused on how to do the white balance for the lighting.

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Setlist for the tasting:

1. Vanilla

2. Watermelon - as you know, exotic flavours get all the mixed opinions, and well, I don't like the idea of creamy watermelon

3. Horlicks - who can resist? Tastes sweet and lovely like those Horlicks Malties sweets they used to sell

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4. Peanut butter (above) So tasty and creamy and rich and nutty and smooth we went for seconds at the end.

5. Green tea

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6. Coffee! (above) It's not particularly brerathtaking or special, but it's just coffee ice cream done really well.

7. Blueberry - another hit, somehow blueberry is one of those few fruits that go really well with milk and cream

I swear, the ice cream looks better in real-life. It's the lighting.

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Empty cups.

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The survey forms!

nikonll had to go to work, so sad goodbye to him, then the three of us decided to make our way to City Hall area, for Kate had DJing duties at Suntec and Ryan and I were meeting up with some other regulars from the forums in the 'Stomp 30s' thread. A pity that Ferret and Kate's both occupied with work!

The bus there was bumpy. It's a City Shuttle bus, and well, they use Nissan UD buses. Fond memories as a kid of 5, taking it to kindergarten every day. They have this sliding rear door that had always fascinated me as a kid.

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Still early, so the three of us window shopped in Marina Square.

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Twinkie had to go to work, and then we met up with the rest of the people for dinner. Waraku Restaurant. They got their menu online too. Cool stuff.

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Not into healthy food (Seefood diet here - I see food, I eat it) but this salad just looked so lovely. Didn't catch the name, didn't care what was in it, but the photo in the menu looked so good, I simply pointed to it and ordered it. They drenched it in soya sauce, they placed wasabi in hidden locations and I got my tongue stung unwittingly twice, but it's overall quite good.

Other food porn:

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Tried playing Pokemon Ranger on Ryan's DS for a short while. It's a pretty cool idea, circling Pokemon on the touchscreen in order to capture them and making sure the Pokemon doesn't walk across or attack the line you draw. But but klutzy and psychomotor me prolly get stuck somewhere early! ("You are a retard? Physical or mental?" - Borat)

The whole bunch of us met up with Kate again at the Suntec fountain, and we just chilled out, went to Starbucks, and it was a really blissful night just hanging out, taking things easy.

1 comment:

Ryanryan said...

*happily bouncing away the whole day*