Saturday, December 02, 2006

Happy Feet!

(No photos, I'm suffering from photographer's fatigue. Actually not really. When everything's happy and busy and fun-filled, the hassle of having to open the shutter cover, stare into the screen and click just gets chucked out of mind.)

Well. This is one happy entry. Happy yappy zappy tappy.

Morning in school, ended really early so my group just went to Burger King to chill over breakfast. Got the cappucinno there, which was really not bad for something out of a fast food chain. Then we all decided to go home, cause there was no tutorials!

Was on the train back home with M, discussing the merits of big clunky DSLR cameras versus the compact everyday kinds. Conclusion: most people - even hobbyists - can be very happy with a high-end compact camera already. Who really needs all 10 megapixels when they all look the same printed on 8R? And it's just so much easier getting candids with something you can slip out from your pocket, rather than pointing a bazooka-lens behemoth right into the faces of your friends.

Went home and changed up for Happy Feet outing! It's like the last outing of a series, so I'm really not sure if that would be the last. (Turns out, at the time of writing this, I decided that everyone can't get enough of outings, so I'm going to try to help start at least an outing.)

Sorta exhausted the A-list in my cupboard so was desperate enough to wear the gray Sims 2 T-shirt my brother gave me. It's ueber geekiness, but I simply got no lighter-coloured T-shirts in my A-list anymore. Since it was lying crumpled in a corner of the cupboard, I had to iron it myself, and being the retarded me, I can't iron for nuts! Still quite crumpled after that.

The mission for today. Get light-coloured T-shirt, hang around with pals Ryan and Ferret, then head off to Happy Feet!

Reached Orchard first, so went to take a quick gander at the CDs in Scotts Gramophone, walked out of Scotts shopping centre and suddenly Jenson appeared out of nowhere while I wasn't even looking! Stalker! He's around Orchard to help his mum sell some stuff in a fair in a nearby hotel. Too bad can't go cause got other shopping to do!

Was early so just hung around Popular. They're selling Genius webcams for rather cheap but I wonder how they are? (at the time of writing, I had googled about it and decided not to buy heh).

Was flipping through Q magazine (a UK alternative and ruck music magazine). They had this feature article that coincided with the release of the 10th anniversary edition of Manic Street Preacher's album Everything Must Go.

A really poignant read, about their ex-guitarist and songwriter Richey Edward's gradual decline into insanity and self destruction, and his eventual disappearance at the Severn Bridge in Wales overlooking a river. That was 1995. No one knows if he's still alive or not. The band had to take some time to get their act together again and deal with the grief (actually they didn't even know how to grief, not knowing if he's alive or not). They finally released Everything Must Go 10 years ago. That album's still considered a masterpiece, with half of the lyrical wory by Richey himself.

Yay then met up with Ryan and the mission-to-get-new-tee-for-KC begins! Went through like a thousand shops. I'm really uninitiated into shopping around Orchard so it's quite an eye-opener, with shopping expert Ryan to lead the way!

Heeren, and sorta decided on an Adidas Climacool tee! In orange! Was mulling over it for quite long. Then decided to try it. It's sorta weird cause the L size was really quite big, and this is like the first time I actually found anything labelled L too big for me. Sleeves flopping over elbows = no good. I don't want to look like one of those little kids wearing oversized shirts cause their parents buy them a size too big so they'll grow into it.

Weird, when you can't get something you want, you'll just want it more!

So began the hunt for the M-sized version of it! It was crazy. So many stores and none had any stock left. Just ambled around Orchard, looking at all the sweet sweet chocolates and biscuits from Marks and Spencers. The white chocolate thingie just looks so good, I'm so gonna buy it next time!

Met up with Ferret halfway. Then went to another couple of stores before finally finding it in that shopping centre below The Cathay.

Sales assistant sorta chatted me up. Some idle chat about school for me, then the sales assistant asked for my name and exchanged names. Would have been nice and all, but the sales assistant was a he. Luckily, no numbers exchanged! Seriously freaked out.

Ben and Jerry's sorbets rock. The one I had was some raspberry thingie (forgot the ral name) which was really tasty and fruity.

Rushed off to Vivocity! Candy Empire! Munching on Ferret's jelly beans from Candy Empire while trying to look for the cinema. They got a gazillion of flavours, and the sour ones such as green apple rocked the best. Somehow reminds me of Bertie Bott's jelly beans from the Harry Potter series with flavours like earwax and pepper, and yes they do have it in the muggle world too but haven't seen it in Singapore yet.

Movie was great. Happy Feet started off slow, but it really expresses the emotions and motivations of the penguins really well, which is something that's hardly seen in a show geared towards children. Well, maybe it's not such a children's show, with so much tribute to popular songs from the 70s and 80s. The music's really sweet, and that by itself makes the whole movie worthwhile already.

Feeling hyper. Somehow the day just felt so perfect. Friends are great, movie is great, everything's great. Was so hyper, that shy and antisocial me actually mimed out a tap-dance outside the cinema!

Hung around after the movie, and somehow Jenson appeared out of nowhere for the 3rd time, so we hung out together. It's just so wonderful and happy and perfect and blissful, I even ran out of adjectives!

More and more I gotta say, it's no longer about STOMP. It's about the friendships. I realise I'm still hanging around the forums, but only for the people I already know. What would I do, without pals like Ryan, Kate, Ferret and Jenson? It's been only such a short time (in terms of friendships) and we're looking out for each other and all, merging into one single telepathic entity.

Well, as usual parting's sad. Went back with Winston and Jenson to Bishan, and quite enjoyed just walking with the 2 of them, talking about stuff and all.

1 comment:

Kate aka stinkydudette said...

i love u too, munchkin!!
