Thursday, November 30, 2006

Today in 10 lines

1. Waking up at 10am is SWEET

2. I've gone back to STOMP for my old pals, but not for the new threads or new people.

3. Having your favourite pair of Adidas running shoes CREAK with every step really ruins the day

4. I really don't want to retire those shoes

5. Nice people do exist

6. Plonked down big money to order the stethoscope.

7. It's in green too like my current one. Green is the least common colour of stethoscopes though it looks good.

8. Weather sucks. Didn't rain but there was thunder and dark clouds and all, so not safe to ride my bicycle.

9. I wish life and everything can just be much simpler. For me, for everyone else. Everyone got their issues I guess.

10. People on MSN messaging me, but sorry, I just want my quiet yeah?

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