Sunday, November 05, 2006


Webcamming rocks! 'Borrowed' my brother's webcam to webcam with my friend who's now in USA studying, quite an interesting experience.

So today I webcammed with Bozo! Couldn't get it to work at first but once it worked it was really fun. We showed each other all the cool stuff in our rooms. I'm not gonna reveal what!

Things I done in front of the webcam: spun a drum stick, balanced a teddy bear on my head, tried to play out a vampire scene with my Lego vampire keychain, shuffed an empty medication box onto the head of the teddy like a hat, lit up my face with my phone's torchlight horror-storytelling style and posed with my earphones I decided to open today Japanese-model style.

Sometimes I just act like a kid!

Bozo also found it amusing that I sometimes use the computer while hugging my pillow heh.

Oh and Skype seems to handle webcam conversations better. The picture's clearer and the sound less jerky.

I ought to get my own webcam! Anyone else wanna webcam?


Anonymous said...

JJB'd say that Yahoo handles webcam best.

Kate aka stinkydudette said...

i can't!! i look ghastly on webcams!


incognito said...

but u look fine 2 me