Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Special Singapore Edition?

For quite a long while, we've all seen those China-press music CDs in the shops, selling for about $10, with the same musical content as the local retail ones but with horrid packaging and printing (the booklets barely fit the casing, LOL).

But this is what I found recently:

There's other titles, The Feeling's debut album, Sugarbabes, Scissor Sisters, Keane. It's no secret that most of the CDs we get in Singapore are printed and manufactured in Singapore itself, as here is some kind of distribution hub for the region.

So. Million dollar question. Why were we paying more for the same thing, printed in the same plant right in Singapore? I have no idea.

To be honest? I bought this CD only because it was going for cheap. It ain't that great - their previous album Final Straw's much better. This one is too Keane-ish and happy.

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