Thursday, November 09, 2006

Please don't

Gotta keep my poetic brain cells going, and since I don't want to bore you out with yet another long entry, here goes something about my school life right now:

Please don't
Like running through the fog
not knowing where I'm going to.
The smirk on my face belies
the thorns that come bursting through.

Harshly-lit corridors.
Lifts that hardly appear.
Busy people.
Please don't say no.
Please don't.

Like a kid on a mission,
an agent undercover.
Gingerly stepping across
those ticking time bombs strewn all over.

Another phone call.
Schedules I have to change.
Deadlines on deadlines.
Please don't say no.
Please don't.

Like a beggar in the rain
shaking and freezing to the bone.
Please don't say no.
Please don't.

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