Saturday, October 28, 2006

Hard to admit it but

Today's a good day! Woke up feeling much more refreshed than usual. Having a super tiring 15 hour school day previously probably tired me out just enough to have a good sleep.

Gotta thank my friend QY for listening to all the weird crap I talked about throughout the school day too! I think it reallyreally helps for me when I have someone to talk to.

There's so many kinds of unhappiness - despondent, angry, numb, worried, et cetra. But there's only kind of happy - happiness itself. So I guess there's not much to talk about it!

Thus ends this entry, but hopefully the happiness doesn't end here. Yay!


incognito said...

perhaps u dremt of yr love 1 tts y u slept so well

KC said...

well, i saw this pretty doc in the A&E the night before
