Sunday, September 17, 2006

Bloody 'ell!

Work work work. So much work.

Ok, that's it, take a deep breath
I've got to get out of here
I've got to clear my head
I've got to clear my head

It's all these words, ideas and different arguments
Someone's always talking when I try to make some sense
From all this stress that is constantly going on
I just drift along with no focus or meaning
Lean back, stare up at the ceiling
I just drift along with no focus or meaning
- The Rakes: Work Work Work, Pub Club Sleep

Schoolwork's piling up and the more I look at the pile the more I'm afraid of it. Then i'll just procrastinate. This shouldn't be the way things are - I need motivation!

So I went for a bike ride. The sun was peeking out of the clouds, so that was a good sign.

Until 15 minutes later.

I'm forced to turn back and sprint back home, lungs burning from the exertion. Managed to make my way back to my block when it rained really heavily.

Why does it always rain on me?
Even when the sun is shining
I can't avoid the lightning
-Travis: Why does it always rain on me?

Schoolwork. Deadline nears. I panic. Take more deep breaths, sort out things one by one. Juggle a phone call, schoolwork on the criteria of kidney transplantation in Singapore and replying forum messages all at once.

Deep breaths. Or I'll suffocate.

Doctor, examining a patient's chest: Big breaths!
Patient: (Wistfully) Yeah, they used to be.
- Old joke

Spoke to 2 friends on MSN who are now having the time of their lives studying in the USA. I miss them, but what can I do about it?


OK I hope you like the style of today's entry. I'm experimenting with new entry formats to see what really suits me.

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