Monday, April 30, 2007

Pimp Your DS!

So now you have your spanking cool Nintendo DS lite and have been having hours of fun on it, how about pimping it up?

1. Get a cool case for it. And an even cooler keychain

2. Customise the background of your flashcart menu. Themes for the R4 DS can be found at NDSThemes. Or if you're feeling more adventurous, DIY at the official R4 DS forums.

3. Stick a cool sticker onto the front of your DS.

No it doesn't have to be costly bling like the official Mario skin. But just a simple computer printout with double sided tape for backing and a layer of laminating paper for an overlay. Not elegant, and it looks pretty amateur if you paste it on at an angle like I did. But hey, it does the job of telling everyone else what games you play. And you don't bring home the wrong DS after a group gaming session!

4. Install lotsa hombrew applications. Especially stuff that gives your DS Internet capabilities. Be warned though that they don't work on wifi networks that require a login page to begin such as Wireless@SG!

Beup - a MSN client that works reliably. Get the updated version here for the R4 DS as the author did not update his to reflect the new MSN server address. Dump everything from that zipfile into the flashcart.

DSOrganize - a primitive web browser (most forms and stuff don't work, doesn't display any images), a calender, an IRC client all rolled into one! Patched for R4 DS here.

Point your browser to for the DS-friendly links I go to!


OutCaster said...

Thanks for posting a link to Awesome blog. :-)

KC said...

thanks dude!