Saturday, February 17, 2007

30-second blog entries

Another way to solve my irregular blogging is - 30-second blogs! Wednesday and Thursday are currently left unblogged.

Wednesday: In 30 seconds:
Nothing really happened. Valentine's, and lazing at home the whole day!

Pacing around at home, trying to do some readings, and at night having dad barge into my room changing the curtains, and making a din all throughout.

Somehow having my room raided by anyone - even family, feels like being molested. My pretty, perfect room being touched and desecrated! And it was pretty late into the night, had to do some school reading but ending up too peeved. I can't really be in the same room as either of my parents for too long or disaster always ensues.

Laid down in the living room, trying to get some more reading done, while texting Ryan on the phone. Thanks for cheering me up!

All was quiet again, and I went back into my room and blasted some music with the doors tightly shut. Somehow the littlest of things irritate the hell outta me.

Thursday: In 30 seconds:

Threw the last of the old secondary school files (with all the cool original compositions removed, of course) out in time for Chinese New Year. Really heavy and I swear I almost hurt my back carting it downstairs. Along the way, the neighbour saw me and said I looked like a baby - WTF?

A quick run in the park after a long time of inactivity. Couldn't really keep running, too out of shape.

New curtains, my room's a nice shade of blue!

Off to Junction 8 with mom to do last minute shopping for Chinese New Year. Lunch is Yoshinoya, and I swear the quality is much better than before. Or is it because I haven't tasted it in years?

Fresh produce.

Not so fresh produce.

Careened and swerved the shopping cart like a kid pretending to be a stunt driver. While maintaining an accident-free record. I rock!

Home. Studied a little, idled alot. And there's the cheese blind tasting!


Ryanryan said...

awwww no big!

*always there*

soulmates rock! =)

KC said...

yay for soulmates! =) =D =D