Friday, January 26, 2007

My room (Thursday)

Didn't have a good night's worth of sleep again. Sleep debt snowballing. Naturally, woke up feeling crappy, but it's not too bad cause I know that the sleeplessness is the cause of my crappy mood.

Plonked myself in front of the computer the whole day in my room. Without doing anything productive. Random blogsurfing, MSNing, etc. Tried to read the comics from the library, but somehow, a groggy mind doesn't enjoy following intricate plotlines of the war in Sarajevo or thick graphic novels.

Hours pass.

Took a peek downstairs and oh no. My mum was clearing out all my secondary school files and stuff from the shelves. Without informing me first. Literally panicked. All the stuff was laying in plastic bags at the balcony by the main door, waiting to be disposed. Was literally sitting on the balcony floor, fishing out all the stuff that I had to save.

I don't care much for all those geography or mathematics drivel that I studied in secondary school, but there was no way in hell I was going to part with all those short stories and poetry I heard learnt in Literature, or the English essays I had written that hold really fond memories.

Call me arrogant. But I know that I'm a pretty darned good writer, and to dispose off any of my creative works would be an insult to that. When my English teachers remark that my essays are interesting, I know they mean it. I may have gotten good marks, I may have reached impressive percentile rankings for General Paper in Junior College, but what really matters is the warm fuzzy feeling when my classmates want to read my essays.

But most of all, these essays hold memories. All that effort writing out-of-the-box, stretching the limits of the essay questions, writing satire and parody pieces for General Paper, all that. It was fun.

I flipped through my secondary 4 English file.

Write a story that ends with the sentence "That's it, I have had enough!". I wrote a 4-page gastronomic journey of a man eating a really delicious salad.

Also came across an essay that I had written on a very lazy day. No one took the essay seriously, and neither did I. Mine was a narrative from the point of view of a man who kept on pretending to be various movie characters.

There was one essay inspired by Graham Greene's Brighton Rock about a young gangster trying to find his place, that wasn't too good but somehow brought back lots of memories.

And and my mum wanted to throw them out. Tried to reason with her that it was irresponsible for her to throw them out. Then she blamed me for everything and anything. The whole conversation just went downhill. Somehow, if she has no concept that such things can hold such great memories, then there was no point discussing it at all. Was bitching about it with Ferret and Ryan via SMSes on the phone, sorta felt better airing it all out. But all in all. Nothing can be done, except carting those files into the safety of my room and sulking.

Flurry of emails on the class email group on how the exams had been pushed forwards by a week at the last minute, without proper justification or concern. How professional. Shit like this ought not to happen in National University of Singapore. But it does. Some classmates are writing letters and petitions and stuff. But to be honest? I'm too tired of all that crap to even bother anymore. What's new. Curveballs thrown at us, being treated like scum. That's student life over here.

Since I wasn't able to do anything about these problems anyway, I just shrugged them away and drowned myself in playing more Elite Beat Agents on my DS, reading some Foxtrot comics, MSN, just distracting myself from reality (since facing it head-on won't magically fix things anyway)

Oops, Ryan had some difficulties at home, and he's staying outside for the whole night. Hope everything'll be alright on his side. And I'm helping out when I can.

Wouldn't it be better if everyone just played nice to each other?

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