Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Thunderstorm - a quick entry

If artillery fire and lightning crashes sound the same
Then how do we stay sane?
Do we crouch low and run to the bunker
Or do we cover our ears and brace for the thunder?

The weather's been crazy the past few days. THe past weeks have been rainy, yeah, but at least we still had mostly-sunny mornings.

Foolish me expected the rain to keep a regular 11am-to-6pm schedule like usual, but it seems that the thunderstorms have been taking all morning, afternoon and night shifts.

I've always had this aversion to loud noises, so thunderstorms are no fun. I'd rather have the soft patter of rain on the ground, the white noise that drowns everything else out, but thunder sucks.

Every time lightning strikes, there's always the chance the power will go out, the computer will get fried, etc.

I've heard of enough stories of computers being fried by lightning already. My friend's PC, which I had spent the trouble choosing all the components for, had its motherboard fried for that very reason. I keep the computer off and unplugged when them pesky thunderstorms arrive.

Thunderstorms = no computer, no outdoor activities and having to close the windows and breathe in my own recycled air. I'm literally doing nothing and cultivating new fat cells here!

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