Sunday, November 19, 2006

Quick summary

Just can't get into a writing mood so here's just some short notes:

Thursday: Test wasn't too bad, though like usual, I'm not going to do well in it.

The presentation thingie went quite alright, couldn't really fend off the questions the teacher asked, but didn't die or anything. The coordination between the roles of everyone was crap. That's something Superman overlooked and Superman hopes he doesn't get too much blame for it.

My brother's back from Australia and gave me a Gorillaz DVD. Quite cool, with live videos of Gorillaz (they project the characters on cloth screens on the stage since they're sorta like a virtual band.)

Friday: Morning. Tutorial - a weird one. Large part of it was on end-of-life issues and how people who are immobile tend to die rather quickly, whether or not there's any other disorder. Then another tutorial by Jabba the Hut. Bloody hell, he talked so slowly it was painful to listen.

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Rushed to the lunch thingie after that. Subway Lido. Late by half an hour, and pretty much just was too distracted and all to really enjoy the company. Hung around the afternoon with Wanru since we had nothing to do anyway. Random pics:

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Resistance is futile!

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The butt of the jokes for the day.

Ryan messaged me and seems like he was quite down so just kept a conversation going while trying to keep Wanru happy heh. Was fun hanging around, talked about quite alot. But it's so hard when I gotta be Superman again.

Saturday: Crappy.

Sunday: Crappy. Woken up by a message from Jenson. Well, Superman got duties again.

Went out for a good hard bike ride. Sprints today. Stupid park connector was full of idiots walking on the cycling lane so it was hard to maintain a good speed. Still managed to hit about 30kmh which is respectable compared to the speeds I had when I was lardier and weaker.

Waves of melancholy and frustration struck from all that that had been brewing in my head, and I vented it on the uphills again. I've learnt to vent my frustrations uphill and keep my cool downhills, for it is much safer to sprint uphill at 25kmh than glide downhill at 50kmh. Felt worse after the ride than before. But heck, at least my odometer jumped past 1000km since the last reset. This calls for a mild cheer.

Rode into some branches because I didn't want to slow down to let the car pass first. It stung for 5 seconds before the exercisee endorphins kicked in - but no scratches at all! Maybe I AM Superman.

Crappy days are meant to be forgotten. Really scared of impending Monday. All hell will break loose again come Monday. I'm going to snap at the next person who bugs me about school while I'm trying to keep my cool in the weekend.

Some Superman eh? Feeling totally useless cause it's supposedly not _that_ hard to be a group rep, but 4 weeks into it and I'm already cracking.

OK. Someone else just called about the schedule tomorrow. I didn't snap at her. But boy oh boy does this suck.


Anonymous said...

Hi, interesting blog. "courage isn't the absence of fear but the ability to walk forward anyway". make the most of everything that comes along your way. cheers! =)

KC said...

:D i'll keep that in mind - and whatever doesnt kill me makes me stronger!

nice to know that there's so many reading my blog :)