Gonococcus's list of: Top 10 Most Hated Foods
10. Red bean soup
Ah, the omnipresent asian desert. To summarise, what they do is to dump read beans in a pot, add water, add sugar and boil the hell outta it. It tastes like some congealed mess of sugar and lumpy debris.
9. Tilapia
This is the bastard son of all edible fishes, the black sheep, the Avril Lavinge of pop, the Mike Tyson of boxing, the retarded son that the parents don't talk about in family gatherings.
Whoever decided that tilapia should be on the menus of most Chinese restaurants must had been smoking a hell lot of opium, because this fish needs generous squirts of soya sauce just to drown out the fishy taste, and even more to give it flavour.
8. Chilli - for the sake of chilliSingaporeans have this weird habit - they douse everything they eat with dollops of chilli. Whenever I eat at fast food places I have to ask for tomato sauce instead, because everyone assumes that a Singaporean prefers chilli sauce.
Whenever I order food at the hawker centres and ask for no chilli, they look at me funny, like it's blasphemy to eat my food plain. Gee, I really don't see how chilli goes with noodles for example.
7. Bittergourd
Why would anyone want to hurt their tastebuds intentionally. I don't understand.
6. Beansprouts
They're tasteless. They're textureless. They got these irritating bitter roots on them. Please stop sprinkling them on my noodles! I don't hate them enough to pick them out one by one, but my patience is wearing thin.
5. Mushrooms I can't recognise
My parents often cook mushrooms even they can't name. And more often than not they taste like cardboard that's soaked in the rain for a week. Why bother? Sometimes I wonder if those mushrooms are poisonous.
4. PumpkinI remember vividly the last time I tried to eat pumpkin. I was working in the ComfortDelgro HQ in Braddell and usually ate at the canteen there.
The pumpkin looked interesting so I ordered it. It was so bad, it ruined the whole meal for me. Trust me I have never eaten another mouthful of pumpkin since.
And strangely it tastes quite a bit like my 2nd most hated food- read on!
3. White rice
Seriously, why do people of this continent eat so much of this odourless, tasteless, textureless, colourless grain. This description may well apply to 100% pure laboratory-grade starch, or even those packing peanuts they fill your carton with when you order stuff from online shops in the USA.
2. Yam
Eeks. It's grey like some dead lung tissue from a smoker who died from pneumonia. It's sticky and icky. And it smells like Clorox. (Not the Lemon-scented Clorox, but the Real Mccoy.) If I have to pinch my nose whenever I walk near it, I for sure won't eat it.
1. Porridge
Med student: So how were you yesterday.
Patient: I vomited, a few times.
Med student: How many times?
Patient: 3 or 4 times, I don't know.
Med student: What did the vomit look like? Was it green, or was it...?
Patient: It looks exactly like porridge, white in colour.
Med student: What did you eat before you vomitted?
Patient: I ate white rice.
Do I look like the kind of person who would eat puke? When I was doing my national service, there were some days when they had porridge for breakfast. On those days I walked out of the cookhouse hungry.
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